Galaxy on Standby

Galaxy on Standby, 2022. Oil paint on canvas, 56 x 76 cm.
This project was developed during the Belgrade Art Studio Online Residency in 2022.
Responding to the prompt “artist on standby”, my work is fundamentally about my feelings of stagnation and isolation during the pandemic. I was also drawn towards the photographs coming from the Space Telescope Science Institute and the James Webb Telescope, particularly the photos of Stephan’s Quintet. I was able to see metaphors in the creation of galaxies, distance and time in outer space, and the groups of stars. Stephan’s Quintet is a cluster of galaxies moving and exploding over a length of time that is difficult to comprehend, gradually shifting to make something entirely new. Projecting onto and anthropomorphizing the stars is a long-standing human tradition and I wanted to continue that here with my feelings over the course of the pandemic. Looking at this specific collection became more aspirational than despondent and made me feel more optimistic about my future.
Painting Development Record